SAURON is the Dark Lord who rules over the whole of hMordor. When several rings were made for several races, he decided to make his own, that would control everything evil. In the Second age, at the Battle of the Last Alliance, Sauron was defeated by Isildor and his ring was taken, to eventually come into the hands of Frodo. During the whole of the Lord of the Rings, Sauron is a Mayar in his tower. He has a body, but all he needs to be complete is his ring, which is what he hunts for all time.
THE WITCH KING OF ANGMAR who is also known as The Lord of the Nazgul was originally a King of the Númenórean. He was among the mortal men to be given a ring, but its power turned him immortal and eventually corrupt, resulting in him becoming an undead warrior and a slave to Sauron. The Witch King was finally defeated by Eowyn, daughter of King Theodon.  
THE MOUTH OF SAURON was also known as the Lieutenant of Barad-dûr, and was also once a living man, turned evil by Saurons power. He was known to put people down, turning them away from starting a war. Inscripted on his helm in Runic is writtenm: I am the Mouth of Sauron, hear him speak. When he meets with Aragon and his men at the Black Gate, he tells Aragon that Frodo his dead and tells him that it "takes more than a broken blade to make a king." Furious, Aragon rides foward and chops off his head.
SARUMAN was an Ainur, a race of wizard. In the first book he is good but tells his friend, Gandalf the Grey that they must turn to Saurons side. Gandalf refuses and Saruman becomes his enemy throughout the series, until he meets his death in The Return of the King when he falls onto a wheel of spikes. In The Two Towers, his citadel is flooded and is trapped inside, hiding from his enemies and the Ents, a race of giant living trees.
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