Michael Jackson (1958-2009) is one of the most famous singers and dancers known. Many of his music videos are still watched by thousands everyday. Below are some of his most famous videos. I hope you enjoy them.

LEFT: Michael Jackson in his early years

LEFT: Blood on the Dance floor in high definition.
LEFT: Another one of his famous songs, Billie Jean. I've decided to show you his live performance in Munich instead of his movie because here you can witness the legendary moonwalk and his other famous dance moves.

One of my favourite songs, Beat It. Many cover versions have been sung for this but the original, by far is the best.
Their is no way i could put this page on my website without including the one and only Thriller.
Those who play  Runescape will know that the Zombie Dance emote is taken from the Zombie Dance in this video.
NOTE: Michael Jackson does sound like Micky Mouse but that shouldn't put you off.
Another one of Michael Jackson's best song/videos.
Don't stop till you get enough.
Another excellent video by Michael Jackson called Black or White. One of my other favourites.
Michael Jackson's performance of Man in the Mirror, with alot of people cheering.
An excellent performance of Smooth Criminal, with excellent dancing.
Chivalloot is a website designed to entertain on various subjects, as well as educational subjects. Subjects range from Michael Jackson's best videos, to Yo Mama Jokes and much more. Create an account on the forums and receive exclusive news via the newsletter on the website.